SHARC Serving Him A Risen Christ |
Welcome to our S.H.A.R.C. site! We love what God is having us do, and we
are thankful for the abilities and the people that we meet or have met along the way. We enjoy hearing from people so
please feel free to email us at anytime JOIN our MAILING LIST or just talk to us or leave a comment.
We are honored that you are visiting our web site. Being a Contemporary Christian Band, we are always striving
to find new ways to get our message out to our fans and anyone who would like our band to play at their church, youth group
or community event. This web site allows us to reach people we may never have been able to contact before.
Please use
this site to access the information you need about the band and as a resource for broadening your faith. We look forward
to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.